Not long after "Europa" was released on Tomorrow, a sublabel of Axis Records, I wanted to do another album that dealt with the solar system. In 2003, I sent my demo of "Titan" to Jeff Mills at Axis Records. Jeff mentioned that he liked the project, but did not believe it was unique enough to release on his label.
This prompted me to release the project on my web site.
During a brief conversation with Claude Young in Detroit (May 28, 2004) I felt a bit more positive about "Titan." Claude mentioned that he really liked the project, especially the bass line in "Slingshot around the Gas Giant."
In 2007, Dimitri Pike allowed me to make the release a bit more official on his Wildub label. He created four tracks (Wildtek Concept Re_Treatments) to compliment the album around the same time.
Even though Cassini and Huygens have now been to Titan, after the album was originally created, I still believe the music holds value in 2013 and beyond. I hope to inspire humans to think about what we can accomplish together outside of Earth.
Mitch Walcott
Created and recorded by Mitch Walcott, USA.
WS04 - Released 21-06-2013
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